Joint Commission Resuming Survey and Review Activities: Key Takeaways


The Joint Commission recently announced it was resuming some survey and review activities beginning this month. Here are key takeaways:

  • Surveyors will work to conduct a thorough assessment that seeks to understand how organizations adapted to the health crisis and will review current practices to assure the provision of safe care in a safe environment.

  • Surveys will not retroactively review compliance.

  • An organization's emergency operations plan will not be the focus of this survey activity.

  • Low-risk organizations where surveyors can go in safely will be prioritized.

  • Organizations will be expected to provide masks and/or other personal protective equipment (PPE) to surveyors and reviewers during on-site visits.

  • Technology will be used to reduce the number of people required to sit next to one another for an extended time (e.g., conducting electronic medical record reviews using screensharing or projecting the record, simulating an activity if surveyors are unable to access a high-risk space, interviewing patients/staff by phone).

  • Organizations can ask to use audio and/or video conferencing if they want to expand their number of attendees participating in the process.

The Joint Commission is holding regular webinars to share updates on its survey and review activity plans. At least one or more members of the Infection Control Consulting Services (ICCS) team participants in these programs. Any significant updates issued by The Joint Commission and other accreditation agencies will be shared via the ICCS LinkedIn page. ICCS encourages facilities to reach out to their account executive to discuss survey schedules and upcoming visits, if applicable.