Dental and Oral Surgery Infection Prevention and Control Consultants

Dental offices and oral surgery centers are under increased scrutiny. High-profile infection-related incidents over the past few years have thrust dental service providers into a negative spotlight, drawing attention from regulators and media on a state and federal level. Such incidents have the potential to not only significantly harm patients, but do lasting damage to the financial solvency of an organization.

Infection Control Consulting Services (ICCS) is a leading national provider of dental infection prevention and control services. Our team of knowledgeable, experienced consultants help all dental and oral surgery settings as well as dental schools deliver high-quality care that meets the complex and ever-changing regulatory and accreditation requirements. Services include on-site visits to assess practices and identify safety and compliance risks; creation of comprehensive infection prevention plans; in-service training and education for staff; preparation for accreditation surveys; and development of plans of correction following surveys.

To learn more about how ICCS can help your facility, fill out the form below and a representative will follow up to discuss how we can best meet your needs. If your matter is time-sensitive, please call (215) 692-3485. We look forward to hearing from you!
