ICCS Infection Prevention & Control Newsletter: April 2023
This issue covers some of the most significant news from April. Topics include MRSA, sharps injuries, C. diff, antimicrobial resistance and hand hygiene.
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CMS: Lapses in Infection Control, Vaccine Compliance to Garner 'Aggressive' Enforcement — Federal regulators have put in place new, stricter enforcement measures for nursing homes that struggle to meet infection control and vaccine immunization requirements for residents and staff.
Study Finds Excess Harm From Commonly Overprescribed Antibiotics for Patients, Resulting in Widespread Side Effects — A major study found that overprescribing and inappropriate prescribing of antibiotics is not only leading to antibiotic resistance, but also causing significant patient harm.
Fewer MRSA Cases When Facilities Practice Surveillance and Contact Precautions — A study showed there was a reduction in bacterial infection in healthcare settings where infection prevention practices were continued during the pandemic.
When Safety Precautions Are Faithfully Followed, Sharps Injuries Are Lower, Study Shows — Hospital units that consistently follow standard safety precautions experience nearly 40% fewer needlesticks and other sharps injuries than other units, according to a study.
FDA Approves First Orally Administered Fecal Microbiota Product for the Prevention of Recurrence of Clostridioides difficile Infection — A new drug, Vowst, has been approved for the prevention of recurrence of C. diff infection (CDI) in individuals 18 years of age and older, following antibacterial treatment for recurrent CDI.
New Guidance Deems Antibiotic Stewardship Essential for Preventing C. Diff Infections — New guidance from five U.S. medical organizations stated that implementing antimicrobial stewardship programs in acute care hospitals is essential for preventing CDI.
Review Suggests Fecal Transplant More Effective Than Antibiotics for Recurrent C. Diff — A clinical trial review found that stool transplantation is significantly more effective at resolving recurrent CDI than antibiotics.
US Lawmakers Hold Hearing on Antimicrobial Resistance — Experts in infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance went to Capitol Hill to discuss the rising threat of drug-resistant pathogens to the U.S. healthcare system and federal efforts to address the issue.
Our Covid Data Project Is Over, but the Need for Timely Data Is Not — This opinion essay, the authors of which helped lead the effort to build the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center, emphasizes the importance of investing in our public health agencies and data-gathering capabilities.
Hand Hygiene, It Is More Than Washing Our Hands — A summary of hand hygiene guidelines and best practices published by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses.